How to reach Makkah Mall

By Taxi

10 km

By Bus

15 km

By Walking

5 km


By Car

Approximately 88 km

By Bus

Approximately 88 km

By Train

Approximately 800 km

By Flight

Approximately 845 km

By Taxi

95 km

By Private Car

95 km

By Public Bus

95 km

By Train

95 km

By Flight

1380 km

By Taxi

110 km


By Car

100 km

By Bus

90 km

By Taxi

90 km


By Flight

Distance is approximately 390 km

By Bus

Distance is approximately 415 km

By Taxi

Distance is approximately 415 km


By By Road

894 km

By By Flight + Taxi

1150 km


By Flight

1,060 km

By Train + Bus

1,350 km

By Car

1,400 km


By Car

187 km

By Bus

337 km

By Taxi

88 km


By Flight

388 km

By Bus

457 km

By Taxi

388 km


By Flight

1,200 km

By Bus + Taxi

1,100 km

By Private Car

1,200 km


By Flight

853 km

By Bus + Taxi

1,029 km

By Car Rental

1,029 km


By Car

133 km

By Taxi

110 km

By Bus

90 km


By Flight

650 km

By Bus

1,200 km

By Taxi + Train

1,175 km


By By Air

approximately 945 km

By By Bus

approximately 1200 km

By By Car

approximately 1250 km


By Flight

800 km

By Bus

860 km

By Direct Taxi

860 km

By Combination of Taxi and Train

850 km

More About How to reach Makkah Mall, Mecca

Wondering about how to reach Makkah Mall? Arriving in Mecca on 29/Sep/2024 in 2024, the quest for reaching Makkah Mall in Saudi commences. Utilize the range of transportation options available to navigate to Mecca smoothly. From the heart of Mecca, embark on dedicated routes leading directly to Makkah Mall. Whether you opt for public transit, car rental, or guided tours, tailor your journey to Makkah Mall for optimal efficiency and safety. Prepare to immerse yourself in the diverse landscapes and cultural wonders that Saudi holds as you embrace this thrilling adventure.

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