Selamat Datang ke Malaysia

By Monalisha Mallick

  ●   06 Nov 18


Travel Tips

Passport. Check. Tickets. Check. Camera. Check. These are must for your travel to Malaysia but didn’t you forget something important – The language. Knowing a few words or phrases in Malay (sole official language of Malaysia and Brunei) wouldn’t hurt anybody. Without the language everything can just seem so alien and unfamiliar. Here are 10 basic Malay word & phrases that can help you get along with locals.

13 Malay Words & Phrases Every Traveler Should Know

Hello – Halo / Selamat Siang!

Most of the greeting in Malaysia start with the word selamat (pronounced as “suh-lah-mat”) which means “safe.”

Hello in Malaysia

Please – Sila

A “Please” adds value and humbleness to your sentences.

Excuse me- tumpang lalu

One word to help you through out your trip.

Yes – Ya (YUH)

Common word that can be used for food, clothes, things to do, and everything else.

yes in malay

No – Tidak

Common word that can be used for food, clothes, things to do, and everything else.

No in Malay

My name is – Nama saya…

Introducing yourself is a good idea to make some Malay friends.

MY-name-is in Malay

Thank you – Terima kasih

You should thank who helped you and when you say it in their language, it feels good.

Thank-you in malay

How much? – Berapa harga

This will come in handy for your shopping trips.

How-much? in Malay

Where is the toilet – Di mana tandas…?

When it’s really needed and you cannot find one 🙂

Where-is-the-toilet' in Malay

Help  – Tolong

This would help you whenever you are in trouble.

Help in Malay

I am happy to meet you. – Saya gembira jumpa awak.

Bring a smile on someone’s face.

I-am-happy in Malay

See you again – Jumpa lagi

Never say good bye. See-you-again in Malay

Bye – Selamat tinggal

When leaving to meet again.

Bye in Malay

Which word you liked the most in Malay?


Monalisha Mallick

Creative soul. Writer. Traveler. Monalisha is infinitely curious about the world. When not answering questions about her career choice (graduation in Engineering and profession in writing), she enjoys going out to experience new places, savor fresh cuisines, meet people (many time weird) and soak in the culture from different eras and places.

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Selamat Datang ke Malaysia