Nakamise Shopping Street

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Nakamise Shopping Street is a vibrant and bustling market located in the heart of Tokyo's Asakusa district. Stretching nearly 250 meters, this lively street is a must-visit for anyone looking to immerse themselves in traditional Japanese culture while enjoying some shopping and snacking.


Nakamise Shopping Street dates back to the early 18th century, making it one of Japan's oldest shopping streets. Initially developed to cater to the pilgrims visiting Sensoji Temple, the street has evolved over centuries while retaining its historical charm. Today, it stands as a testament to Tokyo's rich cultural heritage.

Things to Do

1. Shop for Souvenirs: Browse over 90 shops offering traditional crafts, clothing, and unique trinkets.

2. Taste Local Snacks: Savor delicious street food like taiyaki (fish-shaped pastries), rice crackers, and ningyo-yaki (sweet cakes).

3. Enjoy Traditional Performances: Occasionally, street performers and traditional music add to the lively atmosphere.

4. Admire the Architecture: The shops' traditional facades and the picturesque lanterns hanging overhead create a visually captivating experience.

5. Capture Memorable Photos: Every corner of Nakamise is photogenic, making it a perfect spot for capturing memories.

How to Explore

Start at the Kaminarimon Gate, the grand entrance to Nakamise Street. Stroll down the street, taking time to explore each shop and sample the various treats on offer. Engage with the friendly shopkeepers and learn about the history behind their goods. As you reach the end, you'll find yourself at the entrance to Sensoji Temple, seamlessly blending your shopping experience with a cultural visit.

Timings and Tickets

Nakamise Shopping Street is open daily from around 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. There are no tickets required to access the street, allowing you to enjoy the vibrant atmosphere at your leisure.


While there is no cost to wander Nakamise Street, the amount you spend will depend on your shopping and snacking preferences. Souvenirs range from $1 to several hundred dollars, while snacks typically cost between $2 and $4.


- Visit Early or Late: To avoid the busiest crowds, visit early in the morning or later in the evening.

- Carry Cash: Many small shops prefer cash payments.

- Sample the Snacks: Don't miss out on trying the local delicacies.

- Respect Local Customs: Refrain from eating while walking, as it's considered impolite.

- Stay Hydrated: Especially during summer, bring water to stay refreshed.


Nakamise Shopping Street is more than just a shopping destination; it's a lively and historical journey through Tokyo's past. With its rich history, diverse shopping options, and delectable street food, Nakamise offers a unique and unforgettable experience for every visitor. Whether you're a history buff, a foodie, or a shopaholic, this iconic street has something special to offer.


1. What is the best time to visit Nakamise Shopping Street?

Early morning or late evening, to enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere and avoid the largest crowds.

2. Are the shops open every day?

Yes, most shops on Nakamise Street are open daily from around 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

3. Do the shops accept credit cards?

While some shops do, many prefer cash, so it's best to carry some yen with you.

4. What kind of souvenirs can I buy on Nakamise Street?

You can find traditional crafts, clothing, snacks, toys, and unique trinkets.

5. Is there a fee to enter Nakamise Shopping Street?

No, there is no fee to enter and explore Nakamise Shopping Street.

  • imageDuration Required
    3 hours

Address of Nakamise Shopping Street

1 Chome-36-3 Asakusa, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0032, Japan

Opening & Closing time of Nakamise Shopping Street

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday